Carsten Burmeister
I have been a professional photographer in the Sydney graphic arts scene since 1979. After my education in Germany in the late 1960th, I spent two years in Amsterdam, Holland, and much of that time in the Rijksmuseum, studying the paintings of Dutch and Flemish masters. It is there I got the inspiration for my style of photography - light is used to maximum effect, composition is all-important and attention to detail reigns. With the arrival of digital photography and Photoshop, I was given the tools to finish my pictures to my liking and thus can fulfil my vision of evocative PHOTOART. My last stop in Europe was Copenhagen, Denmark - then I travelled to Asia and settled in Australia thirty years ago.
My background is still life photography. For my SYDNEY PHOTOART work I consider myself an urban photographer, where I just roam the city, incessantly shooting with my Canon EOS 1Ds camera. I manipulate my pictures on my Apple MacBook Pro with Adobe PhotoShop. I gave up film in early 1998 and have been a digital photographer ever since, both for my PHOTOART work and professionally. Oh yes, I also dabble in writing, don't miss my general blog, my Erotic Manifesto or my Pacifist Manifesto.